Bunni (2013, directed by Daniel Benedict)

On Halloween night, two couples leave a Halloween party and, while walking down the street, discover a deserted building.  One of them recognizes the building as being a former sex shop and he insists that he and his friends break in.  Unfortunately, for them, the sex shop is not actually deserted.  Bunni (Cat Geary), a woman who was raped 18 years previously and got a gruesome revenge on her attacker, is also in the building and she’s looking for more victims.

Bunni is full of gore, much of it shown in closeup.  Things that other films would cut away from, Bunni zooms in on.  If you want to see a man get his dick chopped off and then have the severed member stuffed down his throat in close-up, this is your movie.  If you want to see guts literally pour out of a body, this is your movie.  If the main reason you’re watching this movie is for the gore and the sense of transgression, more power to you.  You will like this film.  But me, I would have traded the gore for a compelling plot or at least one interesting character or maybe just one scene that, visually, reached above the level of a youtube video.  Some people will find what they’re looking for with this movie.  I did not.