Horror on the Lens: Full Circle (dir by Richard Loncraine)

For today’s horror on the lens,we have a film from 1977.  I recently watched this film very late at night and — OH MY GOD!  Seriously, I had nightmares for two nights straight!

Full Circle opens with the horrifying death of Kate (Sophie Ward), the daughter of Julia (Mia Farrow) and Magnus (Keir Dullea).  After Kate’s death, Julia and Magnus divorce and Julia moves into a new house.  However, she is haunted by visions of a little girl who looks just like Kate.  As well, the house is full of odd noises, creepy toys, and appliances that turn on by themselves.  Is Julia seeing the ghost of her daughter or something far more dangerous?

Full Circle is a truly haunting and disturbing haunted house film.  Mia Farrow gives a great performance as Julia and the entire film is dominated by a palpable atmosphere of dread.  And that final scene — AGCK!