Lisa Marie’s Top 10 Non-Fiction Books of 2019

  1. White by Bret Easton Ellis
  2. Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen by Brian Raferty
  3. Monster, She Wrote: The Women Who Pioneered Horror and Speculative Fiction by Lisa Kruger and Melanie Anderson
  4. Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow
  5. The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick by Mallory O’Meary
  6. Make My Day by J. Hoberman
  7. Boom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary Art by Michael Snayerson
  8. The Trial of Lizzie Borden by Cara Robertson
  9. Justice on Trial by Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino
  10. Hollywood’s Eve: Eve Babitz and the Secret History of L.A. by Lili Anolik