6 Trailers From The Asylum

This week’s edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers is devoted to films that were produced by one of my favorite production companies, The Asylum.  

(As a sidenote, it is true that I usually try to feature trailers that are a bit older than these but what can I say?  I talked it over with the trailer kitties and we all love the Asylum.)


1) Almighty Thor (2011)

While I enjoyed the other, better-known Thor, I could not help but think that it definitely would have been a better movie if it had featured more dinosaurs.  Apparently, the Asylum agreed.

2) Sherlock Holmes (2010)

Again, any movie can be improved with dinosaurs.

3) Mega Piranha (2010)

Among the Syfy Saturday Night Snarkers on twitter, Mega Piranha remains a truly iconic film.  This is perhaps the Citizen Kane of giant piranha movies.

4) Snakes on a Train (2006)

This trailer is actually kinda scary.  Agck!

5) Battle of Los Angeles (2011)

Could it really be any worse than Battle: L.A.?

6) Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies (2012)

Who needs vampires?

What do you think, Trailer Kitties?