The Covers of Battle Cry

Published by Stanley Publications, Battle Cry ran from 1955 to 1971.  The magazine was advertised as being “for men” and each issue featured stories and features about war, dangerous women, and damsels in distress who were waiting for a good, strong man to come rescue them.  Battle Cry also featured some of the most violent covers around, usually emphasizing manly soldiers battling America’s enemies and saving women in danger though there was also a large number of covers that featured evil women (usually wearing a swastika armband) whipping bound men.

Below is a sampling of the covers of Battle Cry.  Most people would probably consider the covers that I picked to be mild by the standards of Battle Cry but I still think they give a good indication of what the magazine was all about.

February 1958. By Clarence Doore

June, 1958. By Clarence Doore

February, 1959. By Victor Prezio

April, 1959. By Victor Prezio

August, 1959. Artist Unknown (though it looks like another Victor Prezio cover to me)

May, 1960. Artist Unknown.

December, 1963. By Bruce Minney

December, 1965. By Victor Prezio

August, 1966. Artist Unknown

June, 1968. By Clarence Doore