Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 6/3/24 — 6/9/24

Down here in Texas, the power came back on Sunday and this week has largely been about cleaning up the inevitable messes that come along with being cut off from the world for six days.  This week, I already wrote about the funk that I was struggling to break free from and, as you can see by comparing this week to previous weeks, The Texas Branch of TSL is still in the process of getting back to full strength.  

Fear not — we’ll get there!  As of now, Retro Television Reviews and, hopefully, all of our other regular features are scheduled to return on June 16th.  Hopefully, by that time, my mood will be back to normal and the city will have finally picked up all of the tree limbs that we have piled up in front of the house.  Here’s hoping!

And here’s what I watched this week:

Films I Watched:

  1. Danger Zone (1951)
  2. Degrassi: Don’t Look Back (2015)
  3. Gaslit By My Husband: The Morgan Metzer Story (2024)
  4. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)
  5. Immortal Combat (1994)
  6. The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
  7. Roommate Regret (2024)
  8. Trancers II: The Return of Jack Deth (1991)

Television Shows I Watched:

  1. Degrassi: The Next Generation
  2. From Inmate to Roommate
  3. Happy Hour
  4. The Midnight Special

Music To Which I Listened:

  1. Adi Ulmansky
  2. Britney Spears
  3. The Chemical Brothers
  4. ELO
  5. Goblin
  6. Saint Motel
  7. X

Live Tweets:

  1. Immortal Combat
  2. The Lair of the White Worm
  3. Trancers II
  4. Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II


  1. Alien: Romulus
  2. MaXXXine
  3. Oddity

Links From Last Week:

  1. Bravo To “The Kelly Clarkson Show” For Your Latest Emmy Wins! Here’s A Look At This Year’s Awards!
  2. I Had A Conversation Last Year….

Links From The Site:

  1. I reviewed The Glass House and shared my week in television!
  2. Erin shared the covers of Prison Life Stories and some D-Day images!
  3. Erin shared Golden Girl, D-Day, Six-Gun Western, Ranch Romances, and Black Mask!

More From Us:

  1. At her photography site, Erin shared Life Saver, Fly The Flag, and Wagon!

Click here for last week!

3 responses to “Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 6/3/24 — 6/9/24

  1. First, glad to read that you are back fully powered…second, thank you as always for sharing my story and finally, do not hate me but I have never see “Lair Of The White Worm” although it’s exactly what I love by a provocative Director…I must rectify that this week!


  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 6/10/24 — 6/16/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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