Music Video of the Day: Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies by Weird Al Yankovic (1989, directed by Jay Levey)

On Friday night, myself, Lisa, Leonard, and several other people all watched UHF, the ahead-of-its-time comedy starring Weird Al Yankovic.  One of the highlights of the movie was this music video, which combined Dire Straits’s Money For Nothing with the Beverly Hillbillies.

The video’s animation was done by David Silverman, who would go on to work on The Simpsons.  Mark Knopfler and Guy Fletcher, both of Dire Straits, both performed on the song.  Knopfler later said was that his one condition for allowing the parody was that he and Fletcher be allowed to play on it.

According to Yankovic, the song’s strange title was due to the demands of the lawyers.  He prefers to call the song “Beverly Hillbillies For Nothing.”


One response to “Music Video of the Day: Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies by Weird Al Yankovic (1989, directed by Jay Levey)

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