Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Highway to Heaven 1.5 “Song of the Wild West”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Thursdays, I will be reviewing Highway to Heaven, which aired on NBC from 1984 to 1989.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi and several other services!

This week, Jonathan and Mark go country!

Episode 1.5 “Song of the Wild West”

(Dir by Victor French, originally aired on October 17th, 1984)

This week’s episode of Highway to Heaven has a country music theme as Mark’s car ends up breaking down outside of a country-western bar.

I have to admit that I had mixed feelings about this theme.  Quite frankly, country music is not my type of music.  As I’ve explained in the past, my musical tastes run the gamut from EDM to more EDM.  Country music has just never really done much for me, though I’ve done a line dance or two.

That said, I grew up all over the Southwest.  I live in Texas.  I’m a city girl but I knw what it’s like to walk through the high grass on a humid day.  I know what it’s like to be woken up at sunrise by the sound of a rooster.  I’ve ridden horses.  I once milked a cow but I really didn’t enjoy it at all.  I know the country and I like the people who live out in the country and, though I’m meant to live in a city, I still feel a bit of nostalgia whenever I see a farmhouse or a muddy pickup truck.  This episode did have a legitimate country feel, which I appreciated.

Jonathan actually had a handful of missions in this episode.  First off, he had to help Trudy Swenson (Joan Kjar) win the bar back from Nick Claybourne (Clifton James), the blowhard who won the bar in a rigged poker game from Trudy’s husband.  Secondly, he had to help gas station owner Tim Higgins (Jerry Hardin) come to terms with the musical ambitions of his teenage daughter, Sara (Michele Greene).  And finally, he had to help Sara reunite with her mother, an alcoholic country music star named Pasty Maynard (Ronee Blakely).  And he had to do all this while also working as a bartender at the bar.  Not only did Jonathan have to solve everyone’s emotional problems but he had to convince the local drunk to drink a cup of coffee as opposed to ordering another shot.

Mark doesn’t do much this week and I assume that’s because Victor French also directed the episode.  As a result, everything pretty much falls on Jonathan and it almost feels as if he’s been given too much to do.  Throughout the episode, he’s rushing back and forth between Tim, Trudy, and Patsy.  Add to that the fact that the action stops for a minutes at a time so that Patsy and Sara can perform and you end up with an episode that feels a bit overstuffed.

This episode didn’t really work for me.  I could appreciate the fact that the episode did a good job capturing the country milieu but country music just doesn’t do much for me.  And this episode had a lot of country music.

2 responses to “Late Night Retro Television Reviews: Highway to Heaven 1.5 “Song of the Wild West”

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 10/29/23 — 11/4/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 10/30/23 — 11/5/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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