Enjoy the 4th With These Vintage Fireworks!

My family has always been a fireworks family.  Every 4th of July, when I was growing up, my family would celebrate the 4th of July in Arkansas.  My Uncle would always drive me and my sisters and our cousins all over Arkansas and Oklahoma and we would stop at every fireworks stand that we found.  He would buy us all as many fireworks as we wanted.  My cousins always wanted something that would blow up and make a lot of noise.  I liked the sparklers and the black cubes that would turn into snakes.  Lisa and I always wanted to get anything that had a cat or a bat (like the ones above) on the label.  We would get so excited whenever we spotted a new fireworks stand.

Here to help both you and me get into the 4th of July mood are some great fireworks labels!  If you bought enough of these, you know that 4th was going to be a good one.

Remember, like Marilyn Monroe says, enjoy your fireworks safely!

2 responses to “Enjoy the 4th With These Vintage Fireworks!

  1. I liked the sparklers and the black cubes that would turn into snakes too!!! LOL.

    “Lisa and I always wanted to get anything that had a cat or a bat (like the ones above) on the label.” Me too!!

    Are we long-lost sisters?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 7/3/23 — 7/9/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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