6 Trailers of Separation

Hi there!  Welcome to the latest edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers.

1) Ghost Town (1988)

Let’s start things out with this film from 1988.  I haven’t seen this film but the trailer has a certain silly charm to it and how can’t you enjoy the use of the fake lightning special effect?  Plus, those finger nails screeching across the car — Agck!  Freaky.

2) Blue Sunshine (1976)

This is one of my favorite movies.  Basically, a bunch of hippies take some really powerful acid in 1968 and then, eight years later, they end up having the worst flashback ever!  To say that Zalman King gives an “interesting” performance as the film’s hero is a bit of an understatement.

3) Road Games (1981)

“Jamie Lee Curtis is…Hitch.”  Well, that would probably explain why she was destined to end up hitchhiking.  Seriously, parents — give it some thought before you give your child any old name.  Anyway, Road Games was director Richard Franklin’s follow-up to Patrick and it’s one of the better slasher films of the early 80s.

4) The Dungeonmaster (1985)

Oh my God, this looks like a bad movie.  The trailer, however, is just so silly and kinda endearing in the way that it seems to desperately be saying, “No, it’s not as bad as it looks!  Look — we have ice people!”

5) Conquest (1983)

All I need to say here is that this film was directed by the one and only, Lucio Fulci.

6) Maniac Cop (1988)

Finally, let’s end this latest edition with Bruce Campbell, shall we?  This is the trailer for William Lustig’s Spinell-free Maniac Cop.

3 responses to “6 Trailers of Separation

  1. I saw the last half-hour or so of “Ghost Town” on TV several years ago, and had wondered what film it was all this time. I found it fairly entertaining, if for no other reason than the supernatural/western theme combo. I had actually thought of asking the esteemed reviewers if you all could identify it for me. And here you’ve gone and featured it in your beloved Trailers post. Gotta love this site.

    “Road Games” looks pretty bad. (“Hitch” 🙂 ) But the menacing tractor trailer reminded me of a really good film. If you have never seen “Duel” (1971), check it out. I think it was Spielberg’s first film. Really taut, engrossing, well-done film, and with a great, essentially solo performance from Dennis Weaver. Highly recommended.

    And finally, to my credit, I managed to make it through “The Dungeonmaster” and almost all of “Conquest” without laughing out loud. But when that red-face guy yelled at the end…well, how much can one man endure?

    These were fun, as usual.


    • Oh, I love Duel! I saw it on AMC (I think) a while back and then I bought it on DVD. I love how the truck becomes like a real character without the film having to resort to anything silly like making the truck possessed by the devil (like they did in The Car). Add to that, I grew up in the Southwest and I have a weakness for Southwestern scenery and Spielberg really, really did a great job with his location shooting, making the desert beautiful and threatening at the same time. 🙂

      (Plus, Dennis Weaver was a really sympathetic lead.)

      I still get nervous whenever I’m passing anyone on the highway and it’s almost totally due to Duel. 🙂

      Ghost Town actually looks like a lot of fun. Kinda unfortuante that it’s apparently never had a DVD release. 🙂

      Jeff swears to me that he’s seen Dungeonmaster but I think he’s just taking advantage of my niave and trusting nature because what he’s described to me just can’t be an actual movie. At least that’s what I tell myself. So, I’m waiting for him to go, “Ha ha, I’m just making up all that stuff about the Dungeonmaster.” 🙂


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