The Films of 2020: Confessions of a Time Traveler: The Man From 3036 (dir by The Nostradamus Brothers)

The faux documentary Confessions of a Time Traveler opens with a series of news reports about a mysterious man named Sebastian who, upon being arrested for stealing food, claimed to be from the year 3036.  He also explained that he didn’t know what stealing was because, in 3036, no one uses money.  Not surprisingly, this makes national news because — well, it’s not like there’s anything else going on right now that journalist might be reporting on.  I mean, 2020 has been a pretty slow news year, right?

The authorities are perplexed to discover that there are no records of Sebastian’s life.  Up until the moment that he got arrested, he might as well have not even existed.  Sebastian says that’s because he hasn’t even been born yet.  Could he be telling the truth?

Confessions of a Time Traveler purports to be a series of interviews with Sebastian, who wears sun glasses, a mask, and a hoodie.  Sebastian doesn’t seem to be particularly enthused about being stuck in the 21st Century.  In fact, his attitude is rotten.  Well, you know what, buddy?  If you don’t like it here, go back to your own time!  Oh wait, you can’t.  We haven’t invited time travel yet and by the time we do, Sebastian will probably be dead.  Oh well, sucks to be him.

Sebastian talks a little bit about what life is like in the future and guess what?  None of it is good news.  Apparently, we’re all screwed.  Of course, I’m writing this in 2020 so it’s not like I’m going to be around in 3036 so at least I won’t have to deal with all of the radiation that Sebastian says has caused everyone to lose their hair.

Sebastian informs us that World War III will be between the U.S., Russia, the China, and EU.  (Though Sebastian doesn’t confirm it, I bet the EU was the first to surrender.)  He also says that there’s going to be a vaccine war and that billions will die when they refuse to take a vaccine.  People are going to end up living underneath cities, in abandoned tunnel systems.  They’ll be called beneathers and none of them will live past the age of 40.  Personally, if I was known as being a “beneather,” I would probably die of shame too.

One thing I’ve noticed about time travelers is that they never seem to bring good news.  I mean, seriously — how depressing is the future that every time traveler who visits our age just wants to talk about pollution and war all the time?  I think some of it is our fault for enabling them.  Instead of changing the topic by asking something like, “So, what movie won Best Picture in 3035?,” we’re always demanding information about everything that’s gone wrong with the world.  We’re gluttons for bad time travel news.  What I always wonder is how — with the world apparently in such shambles — people managed to discover the secrets of time travel in the first place.  It seems like that would take a lot of effort and some serious concentration.  Could you concentrate while living in a post-apocalyptic hellscape?

As for Confessions of a Time Traveler, it’s a 36-minute short film that comes to us disguised as a documentary.  Personally, I appreciated the efforts to which the film went to appear to be a legitimate documentary.  Much like Orson Welles convincing listeners that the Martians had landed, Confessions of a Time Traveler attempts to convince the gullible that Sebastian actually is from 3036.  I’m sure that there are some people who will watch Confessons and totally miss the fact that it’s not a real documentary and who will think that it’s an actual interview with someone who claims to be from 3036.  Let’s face it, some people are easily fooled and that’s a timeless truth.  Confession of a Time Traveler certainly understands this and it uses our curiosity and anxiety about the future to its own advantage.  After years of hearing about how society’s on the verge of collapsing, there’s something satisfying about watching something like this and discovering that society actually did collapse.  It’s like, “Finally!  We got something right!”

The film ends with the hint of a sequel or, at the very least, an expansion on the original short film.  I imagine that I’d probably watch a follow-up.  I mean, who knows what the future may hold, right?

57 responses to “The Films of 2020: Confessions of a Time Traveler: The Man From 3036 (dir by The Nostradamus Brothers)

  1. I just finished trying to watch it. Got up to the part where he talks about the future world being run by 3 corporations, the beings one being the Rothschild Corp, with the other two being Amazon and something created by Bill Gates, and I just gave up.


    • Little do you know a corporation has already seized power over most of the world through central banks. Who do you think owns the Federal Reserve in the U.S.A.,(hint not a company within the US.) and when you read the quote by the patriarch Rothschild he says “give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes its laws” does that sound like someone in favor of a democratic republic? And why would the US government, through the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, give up their control over minting currency? What about the World Health Organization? Who is the main funder of WHO? Do you think if you were the main funder of any organization you would get to dictate the policies of said organization? Answer: yes you would. While this documentary may just be a science fiction film, some of the ideas should not be dismissed.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I totally agree, the sterilization stuff is already happening with the Gardasil vaccine. This movie might be a bit far fetched but you must not ignore all the truth they are exposing. Watch the documentary Afflicted, 5G exposure is a real thing!


        • All of the vaccinations are destroying our natural body processes. Mr. Son of a ZPG has admitted that the vaccines he helps distribute (and just recently seemed to go from humanitarian aid to big money) have a basis in population control. The NEW vaccines (which miraculously appeared a whole year ahead of what we were told was possible/likely – to the cheering of so many easily fooled masses) are showing many problems within minutes or hours. How much damage will they cause as they float around in your body for the rest of your life? – note, the material becomes part of your growing cells, and your body reproduces that junk). Could it be that the very vaccinators are behind the movie?


      • He did mention a corporation named Gavi that will merge with Amazon. I did a research and guess what? There’s an Organization called Gavi that promotes worlwide vaccination programs and is sponsor by Bill Gates, the World Health Organization and the World Bank. Check it out:

        So this Sebastian might be telling the truth after all


    • I can tell you one thing , the world isn’t going to be like it is today . Was the world the same a 1000 years ago? It’s world is going to be what ever it’s going to be and we cannot do a dam thing about. I actually was pretty happy that there still had 2 billion people living in 2036.
      I also would ask about what they know about aliens , did we finally make contact.


  2. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 8/14/20 — 8/20/20 | Through the Shattered Lens

  3. Thank you ALTRD! Well said! I believe people are missing the point of this film… it isn’t meant to deceive, it’s meant as a message, but then there are so many Americans that only believe what they read on Facebook so how can we possibly expect them to get it? Yes… there is GAVI Corp and it is owned by Bill Gates and I believe George Soros. And, there is a Rothchild Corp -HUGE global bank. One would think after all of the political corruption we’ve seen recently by one political party and the wealthy elite promoting we live in Socialism when they’ve benefited from Capitalism (how convenient) that all of America’s citizens would WAKE UP to what is really going on… one would think.. But many are doing exactly what “the machine” wants them to do… NOT TO THINK. Like “sheep being lead to slaughter”… It’s frightening to me, but I don’t have children and I’ll be gone in another couple of decades, but this emerging “new norm” should frighten EVERYONE. Especially those with children and people should ask themselves: is this a world I want them and their children’s children to live in? A world in which we are robots, told what to think, what to say, what not to say, how to live, where to live… is this really what you want for them?? I believe this was the entire point of the film. It certainly “hit home” with me!


  4. That’s because you are stupid and easily deceived. Republicans gobble up one conspiracy theory after another and readily accept that republican billionaires are GOOD while Democratic billionaires are BAD. You have been conned into believing that corporations sharing the labor from the sweat of our brows with us is communism! You believe that corporations who keep all of the profits and are 500 times wealthier that their employees DESERVE it because they worked for it! We deserve to live in a society where you actually can achieve the “American dream” of home ownership and and an education for our children. Yes, I am what you would call a disgusting Liberal, who still believes in education and expertise. You goons will not be happy until con men like donald trump throw us back 1000 years into the dark ages, yes religion was real big then as well! Well, I personally am not a moron and I believe in a glorious future where the average IQ is actually above 95! Education will win out and superstition will be the joke that it should be in a hundred years. Til then please continue to worship Alex Jones and donald trump.


    • Pretty sad that you can’t see outside the larger paradigm of the 2 party system that plays both sides up the middle to achieve their desired ends. I’m sorry you hate freedom.


    • I agree 100%. This is exactly how conspiracy theories start for those without enough critical thinking skills to determine what is real vs what is fake.


    • Liberals are the ones easily deceived. You have it backwards as usual. Give facts to a liberal and they will still deny them. Why? Because they heard from a guy who knows a guy who told his cousin. That has to be true! The liberal left are confused as to what gender they even are. Inteligent? Sorry! You run around crying that you’re naturalists yet YOU are facists! You don’t even realize your behavior is communistic. Sure you believe in free speech, as long as it meets what you feel is moral and ethical. Again, the definition of communism. Liberals are NOT smart. They’re programmed by media. You believe our constitution pertains to every one on the planet, and allow illegal invaders to be supported of of legal citizens. That is treason. Giving aid and comfort to foreigners before citizens. You destroy statues and burn cities, that is insurrection not a mere protest at the capital. They need protection because they no longer serve the people. Liberals will listen to billion dollar athletes and celebrities tell them the Democrat is the best choice, but do you really think they are in a hurry to be taxed and have their money taken?? Well I have a bridge in the desert for sale too . The conservative knows what true freedom is. It is not censorship. It is not govt handouts. We are self governing. Politicians work FOR us. Freedom is toleration. For what you disagree with it dislike. You don’t force something to be taken away because it offends you or hurts your little feelings. Why? Because someone else may like it! If you dont, don’t look. Don’t listen. You don’t silence that is communism. But alas, liberals are just so smart they probably know this. Lol idiots


    • Typical democrat. Seek blame on Donald trump when you clearly have not done your research in the central banks. That has been going on since 1913. That is not a conspiracy at all. Please understand there is corruption on both sides. Bush was corrupt, Obama and the Clinton’s and now Biden. There has been corruption going on for awhile and talks about a one world government which would be a global Economy. These politicians (Republican and democrat) have spoken about it. Just a lot of people like you are the ones who can’t think outside main stream media. I’m not saying this documentary is remotely correct at all. However we all see COVID is changing our history and not in a good way. We have so much division and people who don’t want to except the fact that government is corrupt. You will go down in history as the useful idiots who believed everything from the government. Do your own research in the central banks. Try to look past your one sided views and understand the banks have bee destroying our country for over 100 years by printing money. Also the 5g radiation can happen. How will it effect us? Not so sure and can’t necessarily say it’s going to be a third world due to all the radiation exposure but we have been more exposed to radiation than ever and they keep making it stronger. Anyway lay off Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo and realize it’s not about Trump and get off your high horse that Trump is so bad. History will go back and after democrats completely ruin the country, people will realize the things Trump did. Don’t just focus on his tweets also. Focus on his policies and what he tried to do for the American people. Biden is all part of the same corrupt politicians and you will see. You will regret ever voting for this administration once the government completely owns you and just look at the bills being passed. It’s going to happen and uo guys will still feed hate from trump. It’s pretty pathetic and hypocritical.


  5. To Bernadette, I watched it, and I don’t believe this so called “documentary” is much more than pure drivel, kind of like everything you just said. The one thing you said that I do agree with is the part about you being a disgusting liberal, and as usual, are wrong about almost all conservatives. And a lot of us are not republicans………..


      • Correction. : Liberalism is a mental disease. Conservatism is now and the future and you’d better get used to it.


        • Wow. I see what you did there. How clever you are. Can’t come up with your own comeback so let’s just reverse there’s. Brilliant.


          • I believe he was just trying to fit in his thoughts to be understood using your terms. Excessive Liberalism is mental illness, as is Excessive Conservatism. 180 degrees of fanatical, is fanatical. Vis-à-vis, a large portion of the population is insane because they are so wrapped up in what they term as ‘the only path’ that they fail to see that the ‘other side’ may have some good ideas. The “my way or the highway” gets you fanaticism. Jah-Vol!


      • Steve B- Liberals, the party of open borders, trans peopleaborting over 60 million innocent babies, “president” Biden who cannot speak without senile gibberish, Alec Baldwin- who killed a woman, Jussie Smollet- the habitual s)domite liar, Nancy “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it” Pelosi, CNN whose rating have dropped 90%, and Hank “Guam will tip over” Johnson, and Al “North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013” Gore, and you say CONSERVATIVES are a mental disease? Have some more Kool-Aid.


  6. A couple of questions about the film.
    1. How did the guy from 3036 get a house in 2020?
    2. How could there possibly be no trace of his background? Even if he was born in 3036 he would still have ancestors living in 2020.


    • resp. to #2: Not if they manipulate our DNA so drastically with these vaccines. A lot can change in 2,000 years. Look at what our world and people were like 2,000 years ago and there were no vaccines then.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yes, if a person has been foolish enough to take the current ‘vaccine’ (which is in fact, ‘genetic manipulation’) they will have a lot of nasty changes to their body’s coding, but, even that far in the future, there should still be remnants of the DNA track. 1). Maybe DNA was not used as a means to ‘find a trace of him’ (sorry, if that is so, I haven’t seen the film for months) or 2) maybe none of his 2020 ancestors were forced to give DNA samples.


    • Maybe a patrey dish baby? But then there would still be donors of some sort. Unless it’s military record related, where he doesn’t exist? Or he’s a clone of some sort? Odd.


    • my first thought while watching was did u get a job or support yourself with no I.D. and no background info. welfare? same problem.


  7. I kind of liked it. But I had more questions, where did he get his clothes, the ones he was wearing were they from our time,how was he able to live in an apartment, who was taking care of his needs? Anyways I know it was fake, but they could have made it more interesting by asking these questions. And he was so slow to answer questions you could tell he was making up answers. They really could have done a better job with a better actor.


    • For some of your answers, watch “The City on the Edge of Forever” (STOS). I believe this film is just another “Blair Witch Project”, although, this one was done much better in my opinion.


  8. What about the burnt body that was found at the exact place where the interview took place ? His hand was missing it had a chip in it and they messed up his face so bad … also he’s blood and hair DNA was at 0% and they couldn’t trace him back to any one …..
    People think because you can not see it ,it doesn’t exist and except proof …..what would happen if we just accepted it for a second image all the possibilities we can accomplish.


    • Actually the incident traced back to a few different people in different area. Also the Nostradamus Brothers are not, in fact, a reliable news source. I’ve seen videos of the incident and it was a woman burned in suitcases, then the other was a man under a bridge decapitated and BOTH hands were severely injured. The left hand just happened to be cut off. Why would they mutilate his other hand If they only needed his left? Also if you still choose not to believe me the “blood tests” were CGI because you simply have to have traceable DNA. Which Sebastian did not have. Without it. You don’t exist, you can’t exist, you would not be alive or real. Learn a little bit about the Quantum Theory then you’ll understand the existence of everything. DNA is always traceable no matter where you are from and what time you are from. The fact that he speaks about time travel screams malarkey Simply because it is just not possible to time travel. Yes we have tried. But according to Einstein he says that it is not possible. Your atoms in your body and molecules would stretch and warp and kill you and basically work like a black hole, stretching you until you are ripped apart. And the fact that I tried to find all the evidence I can about this man and the incident does not match with the “drama” not documentary, Is crazy. Note that I said “drama” because that’s literally what the description of the movie is. Drama is not real. Documentaries explain real things. But in short, I rest my case. This is fake. And for those who are so damn worried about Marxism, read “Irresistible Revolution” and then maybe y’all will stop believing everything y’all hear on TV. As a wise man once told me, “I can explain it for you, but I can not understand it for you.” By the way I am only 13 years of age. But I’m no fool for the government. I know a lot more. But I cannot give information to you if you won’t listen to it. One day you will come to your senses. Goodbye.


  9. sad part is they did it in 2020 we already know the facts what he was talking about.but lets say he did this in 2017 and told us abut covid 19. that would have been enough for me to believe ;{


  10. How shallow is this author that he wants to know about who won best picture in the future? That tells me all I need to know about her.


  11. If it’s not a real documentary then it shouldn’t be in the documentary category, it is fiction then. But , real or not, I can still see some of the things he says being true considering the environmental health of ou r planet and I honestly don’t believe cell phones are a good technology for us . I don’t believe they are healthy either.
    Of course their is global warming. If you haven’t noticed that or the fact that our environment is in jeopardy, partly just by overdeveolpment and pollution, you must be dense.


  12. What everyone doesn’t recognized is on his bald head is 2 marks on the left side and those marks are to show abducted he later in the show said that he didn’t really tell the whole truth on how he got here and about the mark of the beast he shows that with the chip in his left hand and that many of you will take the chip he does tell about the things that you will go through because of judgement with ignorance .The interviewer never warned about being followed .I would hold him responsible for the killing of Sebastian.


  13. To any conspiracy (or ex- ) fans, this film is a lot of fun…however many of its ideas and historical tropes are too on the head… Rothschilds? People have resented them for 4 centuries!
    Also the pet chip (yep that’s what a sub-dermal pet chip looks like) I thought a bit ridiculous. Systemic isomorphism is one thing, but you’d think they’d come up with a better chip in 1000yrs? Hmm or maybe not?

    Anyway that’s not why I’m posting – coz if all your alarm bells weren’t ringing with the corps and … well no spoilers, BUT ; ) did no-one spot the Ghibli reference at the end? I’ll give you a clue – the film to watch is Princess Mononoke : )

    I thought the end was sad but thought the premise was intriguing. Good fun watch.


  14. Let me respond to comments on this production companies education, a documentary is based upon fact.  There is a trust in media that documentaries have years and years of research, scientific and human.  You have violated everything about this form of art and you should be held accounted for.   Take his little baby camera away.  They are wanna be Hollywood ( I am from Los Angeles) And please take his editors away.  You are a f-ing hack and you just went for shock value, so pedestrian.  Valid points made that seem so real, and just buried behind your will to make a quick buck. I would love to speak to the writer of this fabrication (as it is genius) and I would love to meet the actor.  Parasite won oscars for a reason (incredible writing, passion).  You fabricated (TRUMP STYLE) a bullshit fake “Documentary” to get what, a few hundred k?    Just wait to see what you did globally and Your Blair Witch Project may have hit a little closer to Home Base than you may like.  You Are completely unprofessional,  a documentary is a fact based, in depth delve into striving to make something right.  You are ghost chasers trying to make a buck to eat an In and Out Burger.  I hope you choke on it and no body from the present or future does the Heimlich. YOU HAVE DISGRACED THE CODE OF THE DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY/FILM AND SHOULD BE BANNED FROM EVER PRODUCING ANY OF YOUR GARBAGE AGAIN. A DOCUMENTARY IS TRUTH AND ANYONE WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THAT SHOULD BE STRIPPED OF ANY GUILD, CREDITS OR STATUS IN THE FILM INDUSTRY. TOTAL GARBAGE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME- JAMES Hit me up I would love to meet with you.


  15. I think you mean “invented” not “invited”…

    But yea this “documentary” is clearly a hoax…

    Now don’t get me wrong, the type of future that he talks about, without a doubt, is possible and makes complete sense.. But the thing is, the Sebastian in this documentary is obviously not the same Sebastian that was arrested.. The scar between his eyebrows doesn’t match, the freckles on his neck doesn’t match, his eyebrow ridge doesn’t match, head to face proportion doesn’t match, the wrinkles don’t match.. Nothing matches. The Sebastian in the arrest photos definitely looks weird af.. And has no identity.. So yea maybe he’s from the future, who the hell knows.. I went to school with a kid that looked almost identical, pale, freckled, and didn’t have a single strand of hair on his body. So that look is possible today. But i can say with 99.9% certain, in my opinion, that this “documentary” is completely fake and its not the Sebastian that was arrested. But what is said to be the future in this film, is definitely what we’re on track for…so I wouldn’t disregard it completely.


    • Most important statement he said is this “ as a wise man once said history is nothing but a set of lies agreed upon”


  16. Umm, apparently, nothing matters about the future, as the guy from 3036 said the Anunnaki come and exterminate the human race from the face of the earth.


  17. “So, what movie won Best Picture in 3035?,” we’re always demanding information about everything that’s gone wrong with the world. He did say there are No actors, no movies, no entertainment. Most freedoms are monitored or controlled even relationships, he says. (There are countries where they already do this.)
    And should this be a real happening, as a human race we’ve hundreds of years to wisen-up from our careless treatment of each other. History tells our story and it’s repetitive of destructive errors, as well as successes. That includes ruling powers
    moved by greed and power.

    If not anything more, it is a thoughtful storytelling of possible human-race consequence should it not look into a mirror before it is too late. That is not a terrible message to reiterate since we cannot remember to be good to one another, put someone else’s needs above our own. It is a movement of “me first” that rules the media as if there has been such an exhausted effort of benevolence and good will that everyone is just so tired.
    Never tire of doing what’s good and right. A fool argues and stirs up confusion with questioning it’s existence-until it’s taken from them. Then it’s suddenly clear, but too late.

    “…how depressing is the future that every time traveler who visits our age just wants to talk about pollution and war all the time? “…
    Why would a time-traveler return with anything more than a warning? If we’d altered our course towards a better future on our own, the future would not require a personal return.
    (I bet there a very few that would drive a long distance to tell an amusement park staff how much fun they had and to keep it up) They, being happy servicing the public, and the public showing they are happy being returning is enough to keep it going. No return needed.

    I found it entertaining, as well as, a reminder to be watchful “awake”. That is likely the purpose of making this. No conspiracy to attack anyone, but to be aware of one another and take nothing for granted.


  18. Didn’t anyone else notice that Sebastian suddenly has hair in 2020? Even on his arms? If humans evolved into hairless, then ability to grow hair would not happen just because you jump back in time. Further, wearing a stupid face mask is NOT going to keep you safe from radiation exposure!!!! HELLO? Is there any intelligent life left on planet Earth in the year 2021?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. The big giveaway that it was fake was Sebastian’ s speech. At the turn of the latch century their way of speaking was far different than ours. Middle English of 600 years ago is barely comprehensible. Yet Sebastian speaks just like us after over 1000 years?
    I think not.


  20. He didn’t say they evolved out of growing hair, he said the radiation prevented them from growing hair. Also, he didn’t say the face mask was to prevent radiation, he said we’d all be wearing one if we knew what was in the air. Probably referring to germs and viruses.


  21. Lol,
    It’s a movie… hello…
    Yet we know all movies are based of just enough fact to keep and hold your attention.
    This one well the attention thing might need help
    But time travel has been proven to be real and intact has happened as much as 50 years ago
    Even in the James Bond movies we learned the toys he had were already outdated government tools.
    If it makes ot to the silver screen it’s already a has been.
    Overall this had nothing to do with Q.
    So don’t be part of the idiot generation and blame the movie because Joe Biden got elected to usher in the era of “no freedom”


  22. I know this whole thing is far fetched. I saw a comment someone couldn’t find any paperwork or articles about the burned body/missing hand- I think we all know “they” who control all of what see and hear can easily make an article disappear. I’m not saying that it’s true but than again what do we really know besides what our government says is the truth. There are some believable things mentioned such as the big corp take over we are basically there already-it comes down to 5 people that decide what’s news and what’s not. Rothschild is accomplishing there goal of having there banking system in every country in the world. Is it so far fetched to think someone like Bill and Jeff would mind sharing the world. Again I’m not saying that this is real it is based on reality however our reality which we know is based on what “they” let us know and see. At the end of it all living in pods and hand chips the planet destroyed by radiation we created doesn’t seem so far fetched.


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